Re-Imagine A World Without Pesticides - sponsored by Toxic Free NC and guided by Bernard Obie

November 02, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

On a beautiful Saturday, October 21, 2023, we had the privilege of embarking on a journey into the heart of sustainable agriculture with Bernard Obie, the visionary behind Abanitu Organics. Hosted by Toxic Free NC, this walking tour aimed to Re-Imagine A World Without Pesticides and took place on the very land where the Obie family's legacy began over a century ago.


Abanitu Organics, a thriving farm with a rich history, can trace its roots back to 1906 when Lucy Obie, the daughter of Carolyn, a formerly enslaved woman, made a remarkable purchase. She acquired 5 acres of land for just $50, a seemingly small transaction that would set the stage for generations of sustainable farming. Lucy's son, John Thomas Obie, later journeyed to Big Four, West Virginia, where he toiled in coal mines for a mere twenty-five cents a day. Through sheer determination and hard work, he managed to save enough money to acquire additional land, significantly expanding the family farm upon his return to North Carolina. Over the years, this once-modest 5-acre plot blossomed into an expansive farm covering more than 100 acres.


Our tour commenced approximately 100 yards from the family house, where we were greeted by the sight of mature collards growing in a meticulously curated space, nearly ready for harvest. This picturesque setting was a testament to the dedication and care put into every crop at Abanitu Organics.




Farmer Obie then led us to a barn, a structure that held not only farming tools but also the spirit of community. In times gone by, communities would rally together to build the necessary infrastructure for their local farmers. This tradition of solidarity and mutual support was a vital component of sustaining the farm and the livelihoods it provided.


As we continued on, we ventured another 50 yards to observe seedlings emerging from the clay soil. Bernard Obie shared with us the farm's philosophy, which included the limited use of organic fertilizers. Instead, the emphasis was on treating the soil with respect and nourishing it with carbon to maintain a healthy microbial community, which, in turn, ensured the well-being of the plants.


The tour reached its poignant climax at the Harambee Circle, a place with a deep, personal significance. Established following the passing of Bernard Obie's father, this space served as a sanctuary for healing. Beneath graceful arches, we explored a place of fellowship. Benches, thoughtfully positioned in a semi-circle, formed a design reminiscent of a half-moon, surrounding a bistro table and chairs placed at the center of five trees. Farmer Obie described the Harambee Circle as a place to convene with the divine, an oasis of reflection and spirituality in the heart of the farm.


To cap off this remarkable journey, we enjoyed a light lunch comprising a medley of vegetables sourced directly from the farm, complemented by refreshing ginger lemonade. It was a fitting conclusion to an enlightening experience that celebrated the farm's past, present, and future.


The tour of Abanitu Organics, sponsored by Toxic Free NC and guided by Bernard Obie, offered us a glimpse into the enduring legacy of a family farm, rooted in resilience and guided by sustainable practices. This event encouraged us to reimagine a world without pesticides and inspired hope for a future where agriculture and community thrive in harmony. Abanitu Organics stands as a living testament to the power of hard work, community support, and a deep connection to the land.



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