Pam Kelly, Innovator of 5-10-10-75 Economic Futurism. A prepper and a Futurist.

December 09, 2023  •  Leave a Comment


An Essential Historical Preface to My Fellow Futurists


Every American of African descent descends from a prior generation that refused to give in and give up, amidst racial oppression. Due to our unique history in the Americas, we can all lay claim to a unique superpower of epigenetic resilience, born of individual and collective refusal to lay down and give up the ghost, while held within the inhuman and impossible captivity of the ships of the middle passage that reached  American shores. We are the remnant of the strongest of the strong survivors. Mind you, we are now 46.8 million strong.



Our ancestors were futurists, even within the shackled hold of the ships, before the word was even conceived! Long before the middle passage. We were the futurists of ancient kingdoms: Kemet, Cush, Songhai. So many. 




Having survived 246 (1619-1865) years of captivity in America, by sheer force of will, faith, and self-preparedness, there is a collective legacy of resilience and God-given brilliance that is currently a  “sleeping giant” within each of us. 




It re-emerged, during Reconstruction to result in unapparelled  collective recovery, revival and thrival.  So effectively did we educate, organize, churn our dollars internally and begin to build infrastructures for the future, that a collective backlash of fear resulted. Their fear of karma. Jim Crow laws ensued, bringing to a halt our marvels of futurist expression.   Our “sleeping giant” of faith, knowledge acquisition, and collective economic mobilization would re-awaken, briefly during the Niagara Movement, and the Civil Rights Era.


Every Single RightEvery Single Right Niagara FoundersNiagara Founders


The power of African American collective futurism has become submerged in the decades following, in preference for self-absorbed acquisition, consumption, and self-centered expenditure of our 1.6 Trillion disposable income, which we send out and beyond our community 365 days a year. 


disposable incomedisposable income


African Americans have become full of contradictions in their economic priorities. What did we forget to save, give, spend wisely, and invest in kinship community, uplift and fortify the two parent family? We seem to have forgotten the power of  “churn”, reciprocity, kindness, togetherness, intentionality, practiced by our ancestors. We have become oblivious to the fact that, no matter our affluence, we remain captive to the same 1619 Legacy economy and hegemony that profiteered from the bondage of Africans during slavery, and now profiteers from the financial, strategic, and spiritual unpreparedness of all citizens, regardless of ethnicity, in 2023. We are still in the Plantatrix.  

An ominous prediction awaits our children, and their children, if we do not resurrect and deploy the futurism of our forefathers. By 2053, African American median wealth is predicted to fall to zero. What does this mean? Life-long labor, life-long debt, no hope of retirement, and diminished quality of life. 

What would the ancestors say, of our state of affairs today? 




When God gives you something to do, he will not leave you alone. He will send calamity to turn your attention back to Him, and God alone. 

My wake up call, came in 1996. 

I am graduate of University of San Francisco, with a BA in Business Administration. I achieved honors certification in Computer Aided Design Drafting from Durham Technical Community College. I have over 30 years of combined experiences in amateur radio technology, digital graphics, website development, and cross-platform Android/iPhone mobile app development. 

In spite of all of my acquired education and certification, all of that meant nothing, when I found myself, in 1996, totally devastated financially and strategically, in the aftermath of hurricane Fran. By faith, and a refusal to give into self-loathing and despair, I revived. 

It was then, that I decided to never again find myself, or my young children at that time, in such a vulnerable position again.  I could not blame my situation on a failed marriage, “The Man”, or Satan. One must change. Pam Kelly became a prepper. 


Futurist Pam Kelly
Since 1996, in the after math of Hurricane Fran, Pam Kelly self-identifies as a prepper, not the doomsday sort, or the or the TV show “Survivor” type. There is, perhaps a futility in being a doomsday prepper, if that variety’s numbers are only 10%. The remaining 90% of the unprepared have an arsenal too: being the majority!  It is in society’s best interest to promote and provide equity of access to financial, strategic, and spiritual preparedness for all. 

From a cultural standpoint, people of African descent in America, will continue to experience personal and collective “doomsdays”, no matter our social standing, celebrity, or affluence,  as long as we are immersed in a in a 1619 legacy economy and society that continues to dispense justice and injustice based upon the antiquated supremacist construct of race. Race must become dismembered and retired. A preparedness-driven economy has the economic power to do that. By establishing equitable access to preparedness for all, there remains only one human race, and two kinds of people: The prepared and the unprepared. 


“There can be no enduring social justice and access to economic opportunity for all Americans until a preparedness-driven economy is a part of it.” - Pam Kelly, Founder, iPrep2Thrive

The time is coming when skin color will not matter. Who do you want in your foxhole? The prepared or unprepared. Pam Kelly faced her decision in 1996.  The COVID Pandemic forced others to make their decision too, setting aside all man-made distinctions of “race”, in preference for being prepared and associating with those who value its benefits. Culture, ethnicity, tribe will always remain, as God divined human attributes. 

Pam Kelly now self-identifies as a “Futurist Prepper” or “Life-Cycle Prepper”.  She believes in better  futures, in spite of how the present looks, and prepares for it; financially, strategically, spiritually. 


Cyber Futuristiprep2trive works to prepare us for a bright economic future.


Along her journey, Pam Kelly shared her situation with an A.M.E. Minister, Rev. M. Jordan, who said to her, “Pam, you must learn to live at less than 100% of your dollar”.  Recently divorced, with two young children, and a home to maintain, she listened to his advice and politely responded, “I can’t do that right now, Reverend.” He compassionately said, “It’s tough for you now. Just start where you are, with just a dollar. Save each week and you will arrive there. You must also give. Reduce your spending. Many things you don’t need. You will stumble along the way, but never give up, on yourself. You’ll get there.”  Awakening.




From the Reverend’s compassionate wisdom, Pam Kelly devised a system: 5-10-10-75™. Hardly a new invention. It is an innovative application of traditional financial wisdom. 

Invest in your kinship community 5%, , Save 10%+, Give back 10% , Spend 75% or less of your dollar, and you will prosper.  Financial Preparedness pays. 

Furthermore, Pam Kelly has boldly launched a  mobilization towards a  5-10-10-75™ prepared populace, that saves, gives back, spends wisely, and supports their kinship communities, and offers the best hope of revival and survival of all of us, as one human “race.” There is no black or white, only the prepared and the unprepared. 

Pam Kelly is committed to dismembering the 2053 economic prediction within her kinship community, by every legitimate means necessary, with all deliberate speed. She is not alone, her futurist ancestors surround her: Tubman, DuBois, Malcolm, Dr. King. So many. 

The Solution

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Pam Kelly innovated the 5-10-10-75™ Preparedness Pays program as a “Tier 1” Financial preparedness solution, towards a preparedness-strong household, culture, and community.

Tier 1 Priorities: 

  1. Do a  5-10-10-75™ CashFlow Preparedness audit. Bucket your dollars and see where you are overspending. Low cost and free tools are available at www.iPrep2Thrive


  1. Get your SHTF cash together. Sufficient emergency cash is your 1st line of defense against desperate behaviors when #SHTF. Free Savings Schedules are available at 


  1. Spend 25% less.  With membership to, receive Pam’s Top 10 Tips on how to reduce your expenditures by 25% in 3 months or less, so that you are living at 75% or less of your income dollar.


  1. Increase income. is the only program that pays members 17% to spread the good news that Preparedness Pay$. We want everyone to acquire their cash stash by every legitimate means necessary, with all deliberate speed! 


  1. Give Back. It is reparations to the sacrifices of the Ancestors. It is investment in the futurists ahead of you. It is the key to the experiencing God’s abundance meant just for you! 

Pam Kelly,  Futurist and Innovator of CashFlow 5-10-10-75™. 

“I am messenger, come to bring good news to the people. It is time to wake up the ‘sleeping giant’ within you. Wake up, Futurist!”



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